7 Uplifting Saturday Morning Prayers and Blessings

Saturday morning prayers (1) saturday letter tiles with notebook and coffee

The weekend can be vastly different from the normal weekday.  Whether you have extra time to relax or are trying to fit every single activity into the weekend, starting off your weekend with Saturday morning prayers is always a great idea!

When our work week schedules fit the typical Monday through Friday, 9 – 5 model, we can see the weekend as “me time.” While getting refreshed during the weekend is a wonderful aspect, it’s important to start off each day checking in with God.

As Christians, we have the opportunity to come into God’s presence each day! We can seek God’s guidance and direction for the day. This is important, even on days where we have nothing (or everything!) on our schedules.

These Saturday morning prayers are here for your inspiration. You can use these example prayers to inspire your own powerful prayers. Or if it is helpful to you, you can pray along with them, as long as you are genuinely praying from your heart.

They are written to be helpful for Saturday morning prayers, but most of them are perfect for any other day of the week!

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Encouraging Saturday Morning Prayers

Saturday morning prayers (2) hello Saturday on wooden blocks

Saturday may be a relaxing and pleasant day, or busier than any other day of the week! Take some time today to meditate on God’s Word and pour out your heart to Him in prayer.

Each of these prayers provides a Bible verse and prayer points to help you focus on an important aspect of your Christian walk.

Saturday Blessings Prayer

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 KJV

One of my favorite Bible passages is Numbers 6:24-26, which some churches sing as the final song, or doxology, of their church service. It’s a meaningful blessing to give as Christians get ready to go back into the everyday world.

What a wonderful Scripture to pray for the start of the weekend! The Lord will send us where He wants us to be this blessed Saturday, whether it’s to the ends of the earth, or having a cozy weekend at home.

This blessed day, we can pray this prayer for ourselves and each other!

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Dear Lord,

Thank You for Saturday! I pray that You would bless me this weekend as I follow You and Your Word. Please be gracious to me. May I have peace as I trust You with this day.

For those people You have put on my heart today, I humbly ask for Your blessings upon them as well. May Your face shine upon them. May they feel Your presence today.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for God’s Guidance

saturday morning prayers (2) text of Psalm 23 3

“He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 

What a wonderful Bible verse to read for the weekend! Psalm 23 paints a beautiful picture of the Lord as our caring and protective shepherd. It’s a calming reminder for a relaxing Saturday.

But it can be an even better thought to ponder on the busiest of days. Psalm 23:2 is a calm picture (“green pastures” and “still waters”), but the rest of the chapter is not (“valley of the shadow of death” and “the presence of my enemies.”)

Not only does the Lord restore our soul, but He also guides us in the paths of righteousness, for His sake. Let’s ask Him to guide us in this Saturday morning prayer for His guidance.

Dear God,

I am comforted and humbled by the fact that You love me so much that You made a way for my salvation. Being able to come to You in prayer to ask for guidance is a great gift to me, for which I am so thankful!

I ask, dear Lord, for your guidance for today. Show me Your will, Your path of righteousness for me today. Guide me in Your ways!

In Jesus’ precious and holy name, Amen.

Powerful Morning Prayer

Saturday morning prayers (3) happy Saturday letters on wooden background

“Early in the morning, while it was still dark, he rose up and went out, and departed into a deserted place, and prayed there.” Mark 1:35

Are you a morning person? People who are naturally morning people sometimes point to this verse to show how holy and righteous they are. That’s not really the point of this verse.

If you read further in this chapter, the disciples went and found Jesus, saying, “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus got up to make sure His priority of praying alone did not go unmet.

As a morning person, I can attest to prioritizing my most important “thinking” tasks to the morning hours. For prayer and Bible study, I’ll want to prioritize putting those in the morning. This is also a time where I might be more likely to be on my own.

Time of day doesn’t determine whether or not God answers your prayers. It really is about your heart, and God’s will. Make prayer a priority in your life. 

Even if you aren’t a morning person, a short prayer to start the day can remind the heart and mind to live for Christ today!

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O God,

I am grateful for this beautiful day, another day to live for You!

May I follow You and Your precepts today. May I bring honor and glory to You.

Please guide me into good choices today. May I rest in Your peace and steadfast love today.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for Protection

saturday morning prayers (4) text of psalm 4 8 esv

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8 ESV

Today, we have access to much more information than our grandparents or great-grandparents did. For them, the television and the newspaper reported current events, but most people took in their news a couple of times a day.

Now, there is access to so much more information and a seemingly unlimited amount of 24/7 news channels and streams. There are many new things to worry about that earlier generations wouldn’t have even been aware of.

On top of that, you can search for anything you are worried about, and find new and terrifying things to worry about as well!

I’m not suggesting that you consume no news or information. Taking in a healthy amount of news and knowledge can be helpful, but what is a “healthy amount” will vary from person to person.

Rather, as you watch or read the news, and as you search for worrisome information, keep Psalm 4:8 in mind. The Lord provides our safety!

We can (and should) make wise choices about safety and protection, but as Corrie ten Boom said, “The safest place is in the center of God’s will.” 

As someone who suffered many tragedies during World War II, she was not suggesting that we will always be physically safe. But she was acknowledging God’s sovereignty and control over circumstances, and advising a yielding and acceptance of God’s will. 

It would be far more dangerous to live outside of God’s will in “safe” circumstances, than to live in God’s will in perilous circumstances, and trust the Lord for your safety.

This is not to encourage needless risk taking, or to justify your own choices by claiming God’s will. Ultimately, this verse encourages us to trust our safety to God’s protection, and be thankful to Him for it.

Dear Lord God,

Thank You for the safety You provide to us each day. Because of You, we can have peace in even the most perilous of circumstances.

Please keep me safe today, as well as my precious loved ones. Help me to make wise choices, but not live in fear. May I seek Your will for this day!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude

Saturday morning prayers (4) gold Saturday letters on multicolored wooden blocks

“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20 ESV

What better way is there to start the weekend than to be thankful for what has happened during the week? It puts us in a grateful mood, and reminds us that we did not get through this week by our own strength.

Counting our blessings and giving thanks to God for them is a wonderful habit to build. Spend time in this prayer of thanksgiving.

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Almighty God,

Thank You for this week You have given to me. I can think of many times where You provided for me through challenging times.

I give You thanks for these many blessings I have seen from You throughout the week. And I can always thank You for what I have every day with You: Your love, Your mercies that are new every morning, Your compassion and grace, and Your forgiveness.

Help me to see Your blessings throughout the day today!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Family Members and Friends

“Yet have regard to the prayer of Your servant and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to listen to the cry and to the prayer which Your servant prays before You.” 2 Chronicles 6:19

No matter what day of the week it is, we often have a friend or family member’s prayer request on our minds and in our prayers.

We live in an imperfect and broken world. We will always have something to pray for concerning our loved ones.

The Lord hears our prayers! He will answer them in His wisdom and in His timing. He will also use our prayer time to change our hearts and give us the peace of God, concerning our prayer requests.

Let’s trust the Lord as we pray for our family and friends.

O Lord,

Thank You for the people You have brought into my life, the friends and the family who are on my heart today.

I cry out to You for them! You know what they are facing. May they find their joy and strength in You. May they draw closer to You today.

Please be with them, and help me to know how to minister to them.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Short Saturday Prayer

Saturday morning prayers (5) Saturday letters on a background of random letters

“Let’s therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace for help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

What a gift it is that we can come to the Lord in prayer at any time! Before Jesus made His sacrifice on the cross, followers of God had to go through a priest and present sacrifices to show their repentance.

Now, we can be spending time with the Lord without a middleman! We spend time with Him in prayer, in adoration, confession, thankfulness, and intercession, because of what Jesus did for us.

Even if you only have time for a short prayer this Saturday morning, pray this or another prayer from your grateful heart.

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Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that I can come to You in prayer today. You hear my prayers! You are loving and gracious.

Please forgive me of my sins, and help me to change. Help me to live my life for You today. 

I give this day to You, as well as the concerns and cares of my heart. Help me to trust You today! Thank you for this gift of a new day.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

“I Prayed for You Today” Printable Download

As with other entries in this series, this “I prayed for you today” printable download is included. Tuck this in a card, attach it to a gift, or leave it for someone to find. 

This is the same text as the other downloads, but with a different floral design. If you would rather not print out cards like this, consider purchasing “praying for you” cards in a design you like. 

i prayed for you today card with floral decoration and the text of Colossians 4 verse 2

Download here.

Looking for free Christian Printables?
Free Bible-themed Printables
Free Bible Verse Printables

For digital products for sale, visit the Hope Filled Faith Etsy shop.

I hope that these Saturday morning prayers were a blessing to you. These example pre-written prayers can be helpful to get your weekend off with the right mindset.

Saturday morning prayers are a great way to start your weekend off right. It’s a time to reflect on your week, pray for guidance and protection, and give thanks for all the blessings in your life.

Praying through the weekend can prepare your heart to be ready on Monday morning!

May God use these daily prayers in your life to trust in Him and honor Him!

If you liked reading Saturday Morning Prayers, you may also like Sunday Prayers, Monday Prayers, and the monthly Prayer Guide series.

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