God gave us a gift in marriage! What a beautiful blessing marriage can be. Ideally, you are married to your best friend, there for each other no matter what challenges or changes come your way.
But often our expectations and ideals don’t match the reality, even in marriage. We need to nurture our Christian marriages with time, love, and prayer. So prayer for marriage protection should be a priority in our lives.
These 11 examples of a prayer for marriage protection can inspire you in your prayers for your marriage. Each prayer references relevant Bible verses. God’s Word is a powerful way to pray for your marriage.
Don’t miss out on the free printable marriage prayer plan at the end of this post.
Powerful Prayer for Marriage Protection: 11 Ways to Pray for Your Marriage
The gift of marriage should be protected. God wants us to respect and protect our marriages, as seen in Mark 10:9.
”What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” Mark 10:9
We should not let other people divide us in our marriages, nor should we divide our own marriages ourselves!
By praying, we are going to God with our concerns and cares and trusting Him with them. We are asking Him to change our hearts in these situations and make us more like Him.
Therefore, praying for our marriages should be a priority as we trust Him with one of the most important relationships in our lives. We are looking to Him to strengthen and protect this sacred bond between a husband and wife.
If your marriage is struggling, prayer is the best way to fight for your marriage spiritually. Prayer is a powerful tool to improve your marriage, as the Lord can use it to change your heart and the heart of your spouse. Don’t face these spiritual battles on your own!
Take a look at these example prayers for marriage protection. You can pray along with them with a sincere heart, or you can use them to inspire your own powerful prayers.
Some of these prayers will be worded as a prayer that is prayed by yourself, and others prayed together as a couple. Either format can be modified to pray on your own or together.
Whether you came to these prayers for marriage protection because you are a husband looking to protect his marriage, or a wife looking to build up her marriage, we hope that these prayers will encourage you in your marriage.
General Prayer for Marriage Protection
Sometimes it’s important to pray for something specific about your marriage. Other times, it’s good to start with a more general prayer and see where God leads you in prayer.
Almighty God,
I thank you for my marriage. You have blessed me with this partner, and I hope I am a blessing to my partner as well.
I ask for you to protect our marriage from anything that might come against it today. Whether it is our own selfish ways, a challenging situation, or the actions of other people, I pray that you would guard us against letting those things come between us.
Psalm 3:3 reminds us that You are a shield about us. Please be a shield over our marriage today, and protect us from attacks that come from any direction.
When we do face challenges, may we face them together with strength from You, our loving and gracious God.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for Protection from External Influences
Have you ever noticed that your marriage can seem different on vacation or other unfamiliar surroundings? Maybe it’s because of the people, settings, or other factors in everyday life that can influence how we feel about our marriage.
This prayer for protection from harmful outside influences can remind us to be aware of those sources that might be negatively affecting our marriage.
The prayer makes a reference from the Word of God in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, which talks about the power of two people being there to help each other, but that three together is even better.
This is commonly acknowledged as God being that third strengthening factor in a relationship.
O Lord Almighty,
We come together before you to ask you to protect us against influences that can negatively influence our marriage.
We pray that you would protect us from people who want us to love them more than our spouse. Help us to be firm and steadfast in our love for one another, and hold them first above other people.
We pray against habits, situations, and priorities that might be hurting our marriage. Help us to turn away from anything that could divide our hearts from one another.
May You be the primary influence in our marriage, knowing that “a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (from Ecclesiastes 4:12).
We love You, and pray that You would be glorified in our marriage!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer Guarding Against Communication Struggles
There doesn’t seem to be universal agreement about how much communication is verbal and how much in non-verbal, although some sources claim that the words you use only accounts for only 7% of what people understand.
Nevertheless, it’s true that our communication is not only what we say, but how we say it. Tone, body language, and even past experience can color what we are saying with a meaning behind our words.
These nuances can lead to misunderstandings and other communication struggles in married couples.
This prayer guarding against communication struggles asks God to help us in strengthening our communications and to protect us against avoidable misunderstandings.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my spouse. I am grateful for the partner you have given me, that we can face our joys and challenges together.
You know I want to communicate with my spouse better. I don’t want to discourage my spouse or be misunderstood. Help my words to be fitly spoken, like “apples of gold in settings of silver” (from Proverbs 25:11).
Protect us from silly or avoidable misunderstandings. Help us to assume the best we can from each other’s words, and try not to overanalyze what the other person is saying.
When we have conflict, help us to solve it in ways that honor You and each other. May we not wound each other with words that sting, but instead speak “only what is good for building others up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear (from Ephesians 4:29). May our words to each other honor You!
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Protection of Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy as an important part of a successful marriage seems to be more acknowledged in recent years.
Everyone knows to protect their marriages against physical intimacy with others, but how about guarding against emotional intimacy with others? What about preserving and encouraging your emotional connection with your spouse?
Some extramarital affairs start with the emotional connection that should only be reserved for a spouse. Connecting to other people in that way, especially someone of the opposite gender, is not wise.
How many times in the stories of leaving one person for another have we heard, “They just understand me in a way that my spouse doesn’t”?
For that to happen, you have to let someone in to connect with you in that way. Pray to keep this connection only with your spouse.
This prayer asks God to protect the emotional intimacy that should be reserved only for your spouse, and asks Him to nurture your connection with your spouse.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am grateful for my spouse, and for the emotional connection that You have given to us.
I pray that You would strengthen it today. Mark 10:9 reminds me that “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” I pray that no person would come between our emotional connection.
Let us not look to other people for the connection we should only have with each other. Preserve and deepen our emotional connection, and help us to guard against any barriers to that.
May our relationship glorify You, God!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for Financial Protection in Marriage
Money can be a stressor in marriage, whether you have been married for years and years or just a few days.
Two people can seldom agree on every financial decision, even if it’s just about going out to dinner or not that night. Escalate it to whether or not to buy a house or how much to save for retirement, and conflict about finances can intensify.
Looking to God, who provides for us, is the best first step in making financial decisions and handling financial stress. This prayer for financial protection in marriage aims to put trust in God for the wisdom and provision for our financial situations.
Dear God,
Thank You for Your provision in our lives. Everything comes from You! We want to depend on You and trust You for what we need. Help us to do that.
Help us to be content and free from the love of money, knowing that You will not leave us or forsake us (from Hebrews 13:5).
Guide us in our financial decisions, that we would be protected from unwise decisions. Help us to be generous where You want us to give, remembering that everything is from You in the first place.
May we not serve money, but serve You! We ask that You would protect us from financial stress that could hurt our marriage. Help us to be trustworthy with what You have provided us.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Shielding from Infidelity
When one spouse cheats on the other by having an affair with another person, it can cause irreparable damage to the marriage covenant.
It is important to be on guard against temptations that can lead to infidelity. Most of the time, sin that has serious consequences starts with small compromises and decisions. Recognize these signs and ask God for help.
It’s also best to pray that your spouse will be shielded from temptation and will make good decisions that protect your marriage from infidelity.
O Lord,
I cherish my marriage as a gift and blessing from You. Thank You for my spouse.
I pray that You will protect our marriage from other people who don’t value our commitment to each other and to You. Help us to have eyes only for each other.
Help us to trust each other, and be worthy of that trust. May we be wise about who we see and where we go, and how we respond to temptation. May we flee from temptation. (2 Timothy 2:22)
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Protection of Health and Wellness
Health challenges and long illnesses are part of life, and they can be difficult times to face. Thankfully, we can face them with God.
A health crisis can be tough even on a strong marriage, but it can also fortify your relationship with your spouse as you depend on each other and on God.
Use this prayer to ask for God’s mercy, provision, and protection for the health of you and your spouse.
Dear Lord God,
We are thankful for the life and breath you give us (from Acts 17:25). We want to serve You and glorify You with every day that You give us.
We pray that You will bless us with good health. Foster healthy habits in us and show us anything that might be hurting our health. Help us to make health a priority but not an obsession.
If there is any disease or condition in us, we pray that You would heal it, whether it be through medical treatments or Your amazing miracles.
Keep our minds healthy. Help us to think on what is true (Philippians 4:8). Give us guidance when we need extra help in this area.
Help us to trust in You for our health!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for Protection During Challenging Seasons
As Christians, we might be surprised when life isn’t just good times. After all, we are trying to do things right and trusting God – why do we experience hard times in our lives?
We aren’t guaranteed a blissful and stress-free life as Christians. Jesus offers us His peace as we go through troubles (John 16:32-33). He uses these trials in our lives to build our endurance and perseverance (Romans 5:3-5).
It is crucial to focus on prayer during a difficult season. Whether it is a parenting challenge, a financial situation, or any other trying time, we need to lean on God for guidance and strength as we face these seasons.
Dear Father God,
We are coming to You because we desperately need You today! We are facing tough times and we don’t know how to get through them. Show us what to do, Lord.
We need to depend on You and Your strength as we go through this difficult time. Help us to look to You and trust that we will get through this with You.
We pray that You would protect our marriage relationship through this, and that we will support each other. Help us to treat each other with compassion even when we are overwhelmed by our circumstances.
Thank You that You are always with us! (From Hebrews 13:5)
We ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Unhealthy Comparison
Sometimes we look to others for inspiration, to find godly role models. It can be helpful to have an example to follow, especially as we enter new phases in our lives, like being a newlywed or becoming a parent.
It can be good to have a mentor or an inspiration in your Christian walk. But sometimes, especially on social media, we stray into examining what others have and become discontent. We might ask ourselves questions like:
- Why doesn’t my spouse bring me flowers?
- Why don’t I get to go on a fancy vacation?
- Why doesn’t my spouse read God’s Word with me?
- Why don’t I have what they have?
These usually aren’t helpful questions. It is okay to have disappointments, but how you deal with them is key to not letting bitterness and discontent settle in your heart.
Asking God to protect you from discontent and correct the comparisons you already have in your heart is a wonderful prayer to pray to protect your marriage.
Dear Lord,
I want to thank You for the many ways You have blessed me in this marriage. I am grateful for my partner as the gift You have given to me.
I acknowledge that I have been discontent when I start comparing my circumstances to others. When I focus on what others have that I don’t, I take my eyes off the blessings that You have provided, especially in our marriage. Please forgive me and change my heart.
Please grow my contentment and gratitude for our marriage. Show me how to be content no matter what the circumstances are (Philippians 4:11). Help me to focus on honoring You and blessing my spouse, and not be concerned with what other people have.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Guarding Against Unforgiveness
Over the course of a relationship, your feelings are bound to get hurt by your spouse. They may say or do something that you find hard to forgive.
If you nurture that grudge, your unforgiveness will grow into bitterness, causing a wedge in your relationship.
It can be hard work to forgive past hurts, especially when it is something that has happened yet again. Yet isn’t that the kind of forgiveness Jesus offers us?
“But I’m not Jesus,” you say. “I can’t forgive how He forgives me.”
No, you aren’t Jesus, but you have the Holy Spirit living in you! He will help you forgive, and find freedom from the bitterness that will hurt your marriage.
Pray this prayer for guarding against unforgiveness.
Dear God,
You know that I struggle with forgiving what lays in the past. Even when my spouse has expressed regret and asked forgiveness, I still want to hold onto my grudges.
Help me to love my spouse, and “keep no record of wrongs.” (from 1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV) Show me how to forgive as You have forgiven me.
Help me to have realistic and compassionate expectations of my spouse. Please protect me from future grudge-holding and unforgiveness.
Thank You that I can turn to You for the power to forgive!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for Protection of Spiritual Unity
Being able to share your faith with your spouse is a wonderful experience. You can encourage each other in faith and grow together in your Christian walk. This can be a real blessing.
But having spiritual unity in your marriage isn’t the case for every Christian. Maybe you began your personal relationship with Jesus after you got married; or maybe you married your spouse hoping for a change that hasn’t happened yet.
Whatever the case may be, it is good to pray for spiritual unity to be achieved or protected in your marriage.
Dear Lord,
Having a relationship with You is the biggest blessing in my life. I am grateful for Your compassion, mercy, and unconditional love in my life.
I want to grow close to You together with my spouse, Lord! Help us to be unified in You. May we both desire to follow You and put You at the center of our lives.
May we exalt Your name together, dear Lord! (from Psalm 34:3)
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
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31 Daily Marriage Prayer Requests Guide – Free Printable
Praying for your marriage is an important thing to do. This free marriage prayer request guide gives you 31 different prayer requests to pray through during one month or any 30 days – it doesn’t need to start at the beginning of a month.
Download it for free here.
You may also want to check out the set of 3 Marriage Prayer Printables, available in my Gumroad and Etsy shop. This printable set is great for your own encouragement and decor, as well as a great frameable gift for anniversaries, wedding vow renewals, newlyweds, and housewarmings.
Looking for more prayer resources for praying for your marriage? Consider Stormie Omartian’s Power of a Praying Wife Book of Prayers or Jodie Berndt’s Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage.
Marriage prayers can be a blessing to not only you, but your spouse and your whole family. Prayer plays a vital role in protecting and strengthening a healthy marriage.
By turning to God with simple prayers, you can find comfort, guidance, and strength to navigate the challenges that come your way.
Prayer can help you to communicate well, resolve conflicts peacefully, and grow in love and unity with your spouse.
Prayer is a powerful tool that can help couples to build a lasting and stronger marriage by turning to God for your needs. By praying together and individually, you can grow in your relationship with your spouse and with God.
As you seek God’s guidance and protection, find joy in building your marriage on a solid foundation of trusting and having faith in God together. May God bless your marriage!
If you liked Prayer for Marriage Protection, you may also like Prayer for My Husband in Difficult Times and 100 Things to Pray For.