You know it’s back to school time when you start seeing the #backtoschool posts on social media. It can be a fun time of new beginnings but it can also start your worries!
Whether you have specific back-to-school concerns or are plagued with the “what-ifs” of what could happen, it’s best to talk to God about these feelings through prayer. Back to school prayers with Scripture can help focus your prayer to pray God’s priorities for your child.
Why pray Scripture for Back to School prayers?
These back to school prayers are based on Bible Verses. If you are new to praying Scripture, you might be wondering, “Why not just pray what is on my heart?” Praying that way is good, too! But praying Scripture can help us not just pray through our worries, but also pray through godly characteristics and actions for your child.
Back to School Prayers for Students
Praying through these Scriptures can change your child’s life, as well as put your heart at peace.
A Prayer for Your Child’s Heart
Let no one rob __________ through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the elements of the world, and not after Christ. From Colossians 2:8
A Prayer for Friends for Your Child
May __________ walk with the wise and be wise. From Proverbs 13:20a
A Prayer for Your Child’s Future
Now may the God of hope fill __________ with all joy and peace in believing, that __________ may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit. From Romans 15:13
A Prayer for Your Child’s Relationships
May __________ keep his/her heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life. From Proverbs 4:23
A Prayer for Your Child’s Walk with God
Establish __________’s footsteps in your word. Don’t let any iniquity have dominion over __________. From Psalm 119:133
A Prayer for Your Child’s Studies/Job/Responsibilities
And whatever __________ does, may he/she work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men. From Colossians 3:23
A Prayer for Your Child’s Safety
May God be __________’s refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. From Psalm 46:1
Resources for Praying for Students
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If you need resources or encouragement in praying back to school prayers for your children, these websites and books can help you.
- Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer is an international organization that helps bring Moms together to pray. The structure of praying Scripture together for one hour over your children has been such a blessing to my life. I prayed with a Moms in Prayer group for over 15 years! You can read more about my experience with Moms in Prayer on their blog.
When I can’t meet with others to pray, I find the prayer sheets on their group leaders page helpful. And joining a Moms in Prayer group is the best. Visit this page on their website to find out more, and to see if there is a group in your area. This is my #1 recommendation if you are looking for encouragement in your back to school prayers.
If you can’t meet with a group, my favorite book from Moms in Prayer is Mom’s Little Book of Powerful Prayers. It’s a great way to pray through Scripture for your children, no matter the age, when you are praying by yourself.
- Jodie Berndt’s “Praying the Scriptures for Your Children.” I’ve read this book, as well as the one about teens, and the one for adult children. These are fantastic books to read and pray through. Check out her books in her Amazon shop.
- More Resources. These timely articles can inspire you for your back to school prayers.
- Crosswalk has many different prayers you can pray for your student in Ten Meaningful Back to School Prayers for Kids and Grandkids.
- Cherie Gamble has 2 prayer calendars on this post, giving you a prayer suggestion for each day of the month! One is for traditional school families and the other is for homeschool families.
- Your children don’t have to be in school for you to pray for them. Empty Nest Blessed has a thoughtful article on How To Pray For Your Adult Children | Six Bible Verses To Use.
Free printable cards of Back to School Prayers
I’ve made a printable of these Back to School Prayers, You may find it helpful to save these pictures to your phone or print them out to remind you to pray. May the Lord bless you and your student as you lift them up with these back to school prayers! For students, choose from the .png or the .pdf. For college students, choose from the .png or the .pdf.
A set of 10 printable prayer cards for back to school prayers (7 from this post, and 3 additional ones) are available in my Etsy shop here.
You can watch a video version of the prayer in the post here:
Whether it’s back to school prayers for the first day of school or any other day, prayers are important. Prayer helps us as we parent, to trust God to go with our children where we can’t be. Let prayer strengthen our children, and put our hearts at rest.
If you liked reading Back to School Prayers, you may also enjoy Bible Verses on Walking with God or Prayer Box Ideas.
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